Friday, September 5, 2014


So, perspective... over the last few weeks life has been hell. There's just no easy way to put it. Sickness scares and legal trouble with family, being overworked and underpaid, and personal struggles. It was the week for everything to hit me at once. 

I unloaded on friends... which probably scared a few away... I went on walks... I cried myself to sleep for about a week. It was just all too much. Until a mentor gave me a book called Dark Nights of the Soul by Thomas Moore. This is an interesting book that helps to change perspective on the rough patches or 'dark nights' of the life. It proposes the point that there is beauty in the dark times of life. That one can find peace in the transformation process. 

I've started to think about these ideals. To see beauty in all things good and bad. It is helping me realize that all moments in life are needed and wonderful... even the bad ones. 

Tonight I also realized that the best medicine for a 'dark night' is the light of friendship and laugher. I have the best people in my life and the best roommate. Thank you all for being yourself. Thank you for enduring the ups and downs of my moods and my life. Thank you for existing in this world. 

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