Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Game of Thrones

SO... Game of Thrones. Yes, yes I am the absolute last nerd on earth who has never seen an episode. But that all changed last night. Turns out the new roomie not only has ALL the seasons on DVD but she also has the books as well.

After much discussion amongst my GoT friends on wither to watch the show first or read the books first, I have come to the conclusion to do both. I'll watch a some of the show and then start to read the books.

I must say, it is an HBO show-so graphic content aside, I'm having a hard time getting into it. All of the people I've talked to say that I have to make it the end of the first season and I'll be hooked. I've only watched 3 episodes and so far I'm not that impressed. Now before you want to put my head on a spike, I am thinking it was the fact that I had no clue about the back story. When we got done with the 2nd episode I found in the features and explanation of all the families, characters, legends, etc., and that has helped a lot. 

I'm still going to keep watching, just because I'm a type A personality and I have to finish something once I start it, but we'll see. So far my favorite characters are the bastard son, the imp and the savage's bride.

Here's to Game of Thrones... Hopefully... the Addiction is Coming. 

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