Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Good Day!

So. I'm out on my own. Trying this ride called life for a while. This blog will be a mix of adventures, family stories and self-reflections. Sometimes it will be happy, sad, annoying, inspirational but mostly it will be my random thoughts with no bearing on the universe what so ever.

So to kick things off..

My Nephew...

I was babysitting my nephew at my aunt's house over the weekend. My nephew is 4 and wayyyy too smart for his own good. We were unpacking and he was walking through the kitchen, jabbering (because he really does talk NONSTOP) and he stops, looks back and forth... and then the following conversation takes place:

Me: What's wrong?
Him (with a 'thinking' face on): Aunt Shfela has 2 microwaves...
Me (looking at the wine cooler on the counter): Buddy, I dont think that's a microwave.
Him: YES it is... she has 2 microwaves (face turns to shock as he makes the following realization)... one for mac n'cheese and one for grits!!!!!!

I laughed... well at least he has his priorities. 

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