Wednesday, June 18, 2014

One Act of Kindness

One of my New Year's resolutions is to do at least One Act of Kindness for a total stranger. Lately I have forgot this promise I made. I have become a self-absorbed, bitch... and I know it. It's not the person I want to be, or the person I am supposed to be. 

So, in the last couple of weeks I have been trying to be more aware of the people around me. To help where I can, and do for others to make life better. I have been asking the universe for opportunities to make this resolution right. 

Today, I was in the local new grocery store by my house. Well, it's more like a bodega than a grocery store. But I was walking through trying to find something quick for dinner when I was in the frozen foods at the back of the store. That was where I saw him. An elderly man, with a 5 o'clock shadow, disheveled clothes, and a overall exhausted appearance. His walker was siting upside down in the cart. I watched him out of the corner of my eye for several minutes. He was fumbling with something in his hands. The look on his face granted a sense of urgency, his eyes, pleading for help to an unseen force. 

My heart was overcome. I didn't know how to approach him. I wanted him to have his dignity but I could see he was reach a desperate limit. His hands were violently shaking by his point trying to get into a small peppermint candy. I walked over and said...

Me: Hi, how are you doing today?
Him: I've been well but I think I need a knife to get into this damn piece of candy.
Me: Well, that's what it looks like. May I have a try? I have some sharp nails here..
Him: Yes, please... my blood sugar is getting low. 
Me: (unwrapping the candy) Yeah my Mema is diabetic. (then fumbling with the candy, it falls to the floor and my heart broke)I am so sorry. I think I have something in my purse here. Like I said my Mema has diabetes so I keep...
Him: It's okay. I have another one... (hands me the candy and I unwrap it) this time just put it straight in my hand. (he smiles). 
Me: Ok. (smile back)Have a nice day. 
Him: You too dear, may you be blessed.

His face had changed from despair to happiness and hope. It made me tear up in the grocery store. Then it made me think... What if we all did just one good kindness for a stranger each day. Just one. How much better would this world would be. 

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